Dutch Double

Team Size: 5 Members
Role: Game Designer, Co-Producer, Artist
Engine: Unity
Platform: PC Duration: 1 Month

Project Description

Dutch Double was part of an ETC project called Jam Session, which focused on exploring rhythm games.

In Dutch Double, players jump on a Dance Dance Revolution Dance Pad to emulate jumping rope. The main screen of the game shows players what buttons they should be jumping on and if they should be doing single (jumping with both feet at the same time), or double (jumping with alternating feet). An auxiliary screen provides players with a visual indicator of when to jump. The more the player continues to jump on the beat, the more layers are added to the game’s soundtrack. After three failed jumps, players lose the game.


Game Designer



Project Video

Prompt: How can we gamify a familiar rhythm-based activity?

Prototype Goals

Design Thoughts

Lessons Learned